Rockford Fosgate showed at CES a mini amp that can sit behind car speakers in the door or just about anywhere to deliver power without the need for connecting the amp to the car’s battery.

The PM100X1 is a 100 Watt dynamic power mono amplifier that uses DC and AC voltages present on existing speaker outputs of a radio. This design allows connection to a speaker wire without directly connecting B+/GND to it, all while presenting a safe load to the OEM radio. It uses patent-pending FreeLoad technology that takes in a speaker-level audio signal for amplification and then stores unused voltage from the audio signal to deliver up to 100 watts RMS power at 2 ohms. Image Source: Rockford Fosgate
Patent Pending BTL Powered "Harvester" Technology
Harvests both B+ and Audio Signal From Standard HeadUnit Speaker Outputs
Uses Stored Energy from BTL Amplfier to Product Dynamic Power of Over 100W

Current Limited to Protect Head Unit for Both 4 Ohm and 2 Ohm Configurations
High Level Turn On
Optional B+ Connection for Non-Standard Speaker Outputs
Selectable 4 and 2 Ohm Play
60, 80, and 100 Hz Selectable 12dB/Oct HP Butterworth Crossover Image Source: CEoutlook
Small Stealth Package that Allows for Anywhere Installation
Pig Tail Conectivity for Easy Installation
Extruded Aluminum Heat Sink
Muted turn on
Thermal Protection
Short Circuit & Over Voltage Protection
Discrete surface mount technology
CEA-2006 Compliant & CE Compliant
Sold in pairs (left/right)
Source(s): CEoutlook, Rockford Fosgate